The Private Health Insurance AXA Insurance
Fink & Wagner Ltd. in Leipzig
AXA Insurance Fink & Wagner Ltd. in Leipzig offers you an adequate health protection, with which provides for you all around in case of an illness. Our private health insurance program includes many comfortable services within two tariffs. Employees as well as independent workers and public servants profit from our goods and services.
Private Health Insurance Tariff EL Bonus-U
The tariff EL Bonus-U is a keen option to enjoy our private health insurance. Despite the low financial effort, this tariff nevertheless ensures a considerable protection. Dentures and Inlays are refunded of 70 % within a three-year prophylaxis. Without a three-year prophylaxis, the refund goes to 60 %. Dental treatments and prophylaxis are refunded till 100 %. Same applies to statutory preventive check-ups – no matter of your age. Vaccinations and ambulant treatments also are included in the 100 % refund. Moreover, you profit from alternative treatments within our service portfolio. In case you need to see a psychotherapist, up to 50 sessions are refunded by 70 %. If you actively foster your physical health, gives you an extra-bonus: If you´re within the range of a healthy BMI, don´t smoke and are physically active, your can profit from attractive bonuses.
Private Health Insurance Tariff Vital-U
Our tariff Vital-U also includes a 100 %-refund for dentures and prophylaxis. As well as in the EL Bonus-U tariff, you get a 100 % refund for vaccinations and ambulant treatments. When having to have an ambulant treatment, you can choose your doctor while with the EL Bonus-U, you must go to the doctor closest to you. If you need stationary treatment, you can go to the hospital of your choice, choose a certain doctor and profit from a two-bed patient´s room – all with 100 % refund. There also are certain benefits for young parents within this tariff, as well as bonusses for a healthy lifestyle. Our team of AXA Insurance
Fink & Wagner Ltd. in Leipzig is happy to advise you on our private health insurance tariffs and the solution most suitable for your situation.
More Details on AXA´S Private Health Insurance
We offer you a private health insurance, which is rather flexible: You can control your costs by choosing different tariffs and determine the insurance contributions. One of the great benefits is the refund of contributions, when you didn´t need any services in some time. Dentures, vaccinations and preventive check-ups don´t count here – even when having one of those, you will get a refund, if you didn´t make use of other services.
Health Service 360°
Prevention always is an important issue, so it is concerning health insurance. This is why prevention check-ups are part of our free services. Our health service program 360° includes insurances in different areas – you are free to combine the various fields as you need it. Prevention, orientation, support and supply are the fields in which we offer you services and goods.
Prevention: Offers for work outs, prevention, vaccinations and dental prophylaxis
Orientation: 24-hour medical hotline, specialist search, checking of medications
Supply: Accompaniment of chronically ill people, managing means, medical support abroad, cooperation with clinics and doctors
Support: Accompaniment of people with severe illnesses, coordination of therapeutic actions, support for treatment and post-treatment
My Health
Helping you to manage your billings and services easily and uncomplicatedly is one of our goals. For this purpose, we provide you AXA´s “My Health”, which offers you the ideal platform. You can use “My Health” as an e-portal as well as an app. You can look into your billings and vouchers, manage them yourself and get access to your results accounting. The Search function helps you to finding the suitable doctor, hospital or medical house of your wishes. You can book your doctor´s appointment online and profit from the portal´s remembrance function, so you don´t miss an appointment.
We´re happy to be at your service
Our team of AXA Insurance Fink & Wagner Ltd. in Leipzig is happy to be at your service. With us, you get a person of contact – we advice you on all issues concerning insurance and support. Get your noncommittal appointment now and let us convince you: Our service is not only customer-friendly, bit also will provide you with the insurance solution most suitable for your situation. We are your point of contact in Leipzig!
04109 Leipzig
Weitere leistungsstarke Produkte der AXA für Privatkunden
Jahnallee 14
04109 Leipzig
09:00 bis 18:00
09:00 bis 18:00
09:00 bis 18:00
09:00 bis 18:00
09:00 bis 18:00
09:00 bis 18:00